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Do you wear glasses or contacts? If so, you’ve probably been told to have regular eye exams. Even those with good vision should see their eye doctor, just to be sure. But how often should regular eye appointments happen? What signs suggest that you may need an appointment, even if you aren’t scheduled to have one again for months? And, once at the appointment, what tests will the doctor perform and why?
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With the arrival of winter, many of us prepare for “the blues.” Shorter days, less sunlight, cold winds, slippery roads and dry air can all add up. Even the thought of making a fashion statement may feel like a lot of effort. But this winter, bundle up in your best thick coat and pop in a pair of coloured contact lenses for an easy style change.
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Choosing the best contact lenses for your needs depends on many factors. You don’t need to know how to choose contact lenses that fit. Your optometrist looks after the fitting. But you may still want some guidance.
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Do you want vampire eyes for a role in a play or Halloween? Maybe you're cosplaying for a con and the character you're portraying has purple eyes. All of this is possible when you get yourself a set of coloured contact lenses.
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Contacts and glasses aren’t one and the same, so why would their exams be? While you’d expect to go through the same testing for both, there’s actually a difference. An optometrist must conduct a series of extra exams to determine if contact lenses are right for you.
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Are you on the fence about contacts versus glasses? Do you wonder whether contact lenses or glasses are the best fit for you? Are you considering switching to contact lenses?
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The glasses vs. contact lenses rivalry dates all the way back to the 1880s. Yet contacts are consistently a popular choice for adults who need vision correction, and for good reason. They're discreet and convenient, easily fitting into our busy lifestyles while keeping our vision clear.
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It’s getting colder outside - winter is coming! While winter can be beautiful, it also stands out as the harshest season. There are heavy skies, snowstorms and ice on the ground. Winter also calls for layers of woollen clothes and endless mugs of hot chocolate.
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Contact lenses are an incredible invention; tiny lenses that people wear directly on the eye to correct vision. According to the Ontario Association for Optometrists, there are several benefits to wearing contact lenses. These include the fact that they don't fog up, and don't inhibit sports. But how do contacts work? Let’s take a look at some of the science behind the inner workings of contacts and what to look for in a lens.
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The debate about whether to wear contacts often comes down to personal preference. There are people that like to wear contact lenses rather than glasses, and vice-versa.
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Your eyes are in danger. That's according to one scientific study, anyway. Apparently, 55 million eye injuries happen around the world every year. And that’s just for issues that restrict activity for over 24 hours. Obviously, not all eye problems are that severe. So the real figure is likely to be far higher.
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Gathering around an open fire with your friends and family is one of the nicest ways to spend a chilly fall or winter evening outdoors. But if you wear contact lenses, that smokey fire can ruin your evening.
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Do you know what to do with your contacts after you’ve finished using them? If you don’t practice the correct contact lens disposal methods, you’re not alone. Studies show that 15 to 20% of contact wearers flush used lenses down the drain or the toilet. These lenses produce 6 to 10 metric tons of waste, which ends up in water plants or in our natural water sources.
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For new contact lens users, the idea of placing an object in your eye could be terrifying. But as with anything in life, removing a contact lens becomes second nature after just a few days of practice. Here’s a quick guide to teach you how to insert and remove a contact lens from your eye.
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You may not have known that a contact lens exam differs from a regular eye exam, but it does! Here’s what you need to know about them.
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Have you ever researched the different types of contact lenses that are available today? Figuring out what they are, who they are for and when to use them can be quite the task. Do you want dailies? Coloured? Toric? Monthly? Multifocal? Gas permeable? The list just goes on and on.
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Your eyes can become red and bloodshot for perfectly ordinary reasons, such as a lack of sleep or too much time spent staring at a computer screen. It's not pretty, but it's nothing to worry about.
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The optical industry has evolved a lot over the last few decades. From Leonardo Da Vinci's thick lens concept 500 years ago to today’s super thin contact lenses, the industry has come a long way.
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Do you wear contact lenses? Whether you're new to contacts or not, you may have questions about how to care for them.
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Have you seen those pictures of crying girls with mascara running down their cheeks? Now imagine if that happened to you, all the time, and you weren't even sad!
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It's estimated 125 million people wear contact lenses worldwide. That's not surprising when you consider how many people need vision correction. In fact, one study projects that by 2050, close to half the global population will be nearsighted.
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When choosing contact lenses, your options are endless. Do you want extended wear, monthly, or daily disposable contact lenses? And do you prefer hard or soft lenses? Tinted or transitions? With so much to consider, it’s easy to overlook breathability.
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Are you feeling in the mood for a colour change? Or do you want a bit more sparkle and shine to your natural eye colour?
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In the spirit of World Sight Day, which falls on October 11, 2018, we're sharing some smart ways to protect your eyesight when you wear contact lenses. First, let’s look into this year’s World Sight Day and see what it’s all about.
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Whether you're brand new to wearing contact lenses or a seasoned pro, accidents can happen. No matter how careful you are, chances are, you will accidentally rip a contact lens at some point in your life.
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Are you wearing contacts often? If so, are you wondering if you really need to buy a pair of backup glasses? The answer is a resounding yes!
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Is it ok to wear contact lenses when you’re sick? The short answer is no. When you’re fighting off a bug, the best thing you can do for your eyes is refrain from putting in your contacts.
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Like, really went? Fully relaxed, did whatever you wanted to, and were accountable to no one? It’s probably been a while, hey? So many bills, responsibilities, and things to do...
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We’ve all been there. The trip has ended and we’re sitting on our overstuffed luggage, muttering: “But it all fit just fine when I left home!” If you’ve ever suffered from “Sudden Overstuffed Syndrome”﹘ or SOS ﹘ take heart. I’m here to show you how to maximize luggage space without supersizing your suitcase.
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Contact lenses and water do not mix. Taking a shower with contact lenses is convenient, but it puts you at risk of developing a serious eye infection.
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If there’s one thing you learn while flying economy class, it’s this: What you wear is essential, but what you put on your face is twice as important. No one wants to reach their exciting new destination looking worse than they did when they got on the plane, right? That’s why your beauty routine should be as carefully curated as your packing list. It’s important to choose products that work for you, with ingredients that aren’t harmful to you or the environment. Plus, it’s always a bonus if you can purchase a beauty product that’s locally made. So, in the spirit of daydreaming about our next little vacation today, let’s explore an in-flight, travel skincare routine.
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We all love sci-fi. We love the imagination; the seemingly infinite possibilities that are brought to life within these stories. We also love all the fun and hi-tech gadgets that sci-fi movies often come with.
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So you’ve endured an eye exam and survived a contact lens fitting. Your prize: a brand new contact lens prescription!
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If you visit your eye doctor and are told that you need corrective eyewear, you’ll have the option to obtain a contact lens prescription, an eyeglass prescription, or both.
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We know. It’s hot outside and you just want to bask in the warmth. Feel the sun on your face and smell the grass beneath your feet.
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We can all take steps to protect our sight. Certain eye diseases and conditions that cause vision loss are treatable if they are detected early.
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We've all done it. After a long day of work and no play, you just want to go to bed. You can’t find your lens solution, so you pop out your contacts and throw them in a bowl with some water. Or, worse yet, you leave your contacts in your eyes.
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Eye health statistics can be scary. Over 25 million people get macular degeneration or cataracts due to aging. For people over 55, macular degeneration is the main cause of blindness. By age 75, half of white Americans have a cataract. Finally, because women live longer, 61% of glaucoma cases in the U.S. are older women. But, you don’t have to sit back and wait for your eyes to fail.
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After your consultation with an eye care professional, the first thing you should learn is proper contact lens care. Despite how common they are, contact lenses are considered a medical device by law and should be treated as such to reduce the risk of eye damage and infections.
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Daily disposable lenses, or daily wear contacts, have only been on the market since 1995. They’re still a relatively new product, but they’re gaining popularity all over the world.
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Wearing prescribed contact lenses for the first time can be fairly daunting, especially for anyone who’s spent most of their life wearing glasses. Since there is a wide variety of contact lenses on the market, it's important to know what’s available and which options are best for you. For example, the best lens for you will depend on whether you’re addressing one eye problem or a combination of issues.
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Many people don’t know that you can order contact lenses online. That’s right ﹘ you don’t have to call your eye doctor every month to place an order for in-store pick up. So next time, save the hassle, and get your contact lenses delivered right to your door!
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Thinking about getting contact lenses for your teen? There are a few things you should know first.
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Contact lenses may seem like a fairly new invention in modern history. But believe it or not, the concept of contact lenses was first introduced by Leonardo da Vinci in the 1500's!
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No one wants to contemplate how they would cope if they could no longer see. A recent report from the Canadian Association of Optometrists (CAO) declared that vision loss is the most feared disability for Canadians. Fortunately, most causes of vision loss are preventable if treated early. Learn more about the causes of vision loss and how proper vision care can protect you.
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Wouldn’t it be great to see without glasses again? Some of you have probably worn glasses for many years, while others may started only recently. No matter how long you’ve been wearing glasses, you simply may not like them. That’s OK, because there are ways you can improve your vision. If your vision correction is minor, you may be able to see without glasses again. Let’s explore some options:
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Are your children or teenagers ready to get contact lenses? Are you wondering whether they're responsible enough to take care of them?
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Have you recently visited the eye doctor and gotten your first prescription for contact lenses? Then you’ll soon discover the awesome comfort and convenience of wearing contacts.
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In 2018, the revenue from contact lens sales in Canada will be more than $373 million USD. Needless to say, the public trusts contacts for their vision correction needs!
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You’ve been to the eye doctor and have your contact lens prescription in hand. Except, you have no idea what the prescription means. It’s not that the eye doctor’s handwriting is unclear. Rather, it’s that you see a lot of abbreviations and numbers that mean nothing to you.
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Contact lenses are a $324 million industry in Canada. But many people aren't taking care of them the way they should.
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Are you feeling the need for a change? Looking for something different?
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Health Canada classifies contact lenses as medical devices. Because of this, you require a prescription from a doctor to buy a pair of contacts. And that prescription comes with a best before date. So how long do your contacts last?
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Our eyes are very sensitive – and that’s a good thing! This sensitivity preserves our vision by protecting our eyes from potential eye irritants.
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Have you ever wondered how eyes work? The human eye is an amazing piece of engineering. It works as a team with the brain to collect and process an unending stream of data throughout your waking hours. It achieves this feat through a series of delicate structures and complex mechanisms.
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Why is sleeping with contacts such a bad idea? Well, because it increases your risk of developing an eye infection by 6 to 8 times.
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Most contact lens wearers engage in risky behaviour from time to time. Exhausted after a long day? You might fall asleep on the couch with your lenses in. You might squeeze a few extra days out of your contacts. Or give your lens case a quick rinse when you know it needs a good scrub. How about swimming with contacts in when you know you shouldn’t?
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Can you imagine the first contact lens? The first physical version worn was actually made of glass! It was a cup-like shaped glass piece that held liquid directly onto the eye.
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Glaucoma is an eye disease that damages the optic nerve. It’s also the biggest cause of blindness in the US. That’s why so many people want to know if wearing contact lenses can cause glaucoma. Those with a glaucoma diagnosis wonder if they should continue to wear their contacts.
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If you have a child or teenager, you already know they have their own ideas. This includes how they want to dress and what they want to do. What do you do if your child wears glasses and wants to make the switch to contact lenses? Many people mistakenly believe that only older teenagers can wear contacts. But thanks to advancements in technology, this no longer holds true.
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Let's face it: almost nobody has perfect vision these days. Three out of every four adults need some form of corrective lenses to function in their daily lives (Source: Visioncouncil.org).
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The main difference between “daily” contact lenses and “daily disposable” contact lenses is whether you throw them away at the end of the day. And it can be the reason why your eyes are at risk of disease.
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Contact lenses are an easy and cost-effective alternative to wearing glasses. Contacts are particularly ideal for individuals who prefer how they look without a pair of frames on their face. They can also be more convenient than glasses for those who are especially active.
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Glasses have been the traditional means to enhance vision, but contacts are becoming more popular. Approximately 3.5 million Canadians wear contacts for their vision correction needs.
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Approximately 3.5 million Canadians use contact lenses for vision correction.
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Blue light blocking computer glasses are one of the latest health-related trends in eyewear. It seems there's always something new to be on the lookout for. The list of potential dangers we need to monitor, or lifestyle changes we need to make, regarding our health is forever growing.
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What can be worse than having irritated, red, painful eyes? Well, having irritated, red, and painful eyes on vacation. More than 25% of Canadians get dry eyes. And you don't want to deal with dry eyes or an eye infection while you are on vacation!
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Colour enhancing contact lenses are the top beauty experts’ secret weapon. Makeup and hair styling can work wonders, but only colour enhancing contact lenses can brighten and enhance your eyes. Contact lenses might seem like an expensive choice but when compared to a trip to the hair salon or beauty spa they’re pretty affordable. Are you convinced yet?
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Recently, doctors discovered 27 contact lenses in a UK woman's eye.
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Women experience many physical changes during pregnancy. It’s hard to distinguish between what’s normal and what’s not. With vision changes, it’s hard to separate the minor symptoms from those that are a cause for concern.
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What's worse than waking up with dry, irritated eyes? Having to walk around with that feeling all day long! If you suffer from dry eyes while wearing contacts, you know exactly how much of a pain this is.
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Do you feel rushed every morning? Is getting to work on time a real hassle? The problem could be your morning routine. Wearing daily disposables could potentially cut some time down in your mornings and save you precious minutes. Here are some ways to streamline your morning routine.
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What do emeralds, quartz, crystal, glass, and plastic have in common? They’ve all been materials for corrective lenses. Imagine using an emerald for better vision!
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In the war of contacts vs. glasses, which is the victor? According to a 2016 study, 74% of the Canadian population requires vision correction. Of that number, 55% primarily wear eyeglasses. This result is not surprising, as glasses have been the traditional choice for vision correction.
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Contact lenses are the perfect compromise between prescription eyeglasses and laser eye surgery. However, to ensure a safe and comfortable experience, you’ll need to know some basics.
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Do your contact lenses sometimes feel uncomfortable? There could be an easy fix for that. After all, over 60% of people tend to not take good care of their contact lenses.
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Every season has its downsides. Winter can be too cold, fall too windy, spring too rainy, and summer too hot. But for contact lens wearers, the changing weather can bring on something even worse — seasonal irritations.
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We do all that we can to secure the well-being of ourselves and our families. When children are involved, we also do the usual rounds of visiting the family doctor at least once a year.
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You put in a fresh pair of contacts and everything is clear, crisp, and bright. Luckily, you can keep things that way. It all starts with cleaning your contact lenses the right way and following the right hygiene routine. This guide will teach you the right way to care for your contact lenses so your lenses stay clean, your vision stays clear, and your eyes stay healthy.
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Canada Day is just around the corner! If you haven't booked something fun yet, don't worry! We've researched 5 of the best day trips and last-minute getaways for the Canada Day weekend. So stop procrastinating! Grab a cuppa and follow our Canada Day weekend guide...
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Contrary to popular belief, contact lenses aren't just for correcting vision. They’re also a way to make a fashion statement. Many people wear coloured contacts to change how they look on a daily basis. They might use the lenses to create a dramatic flair or even to match a certain outfit!
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The most active muscles in your body aren't in your arms, back or legs; they're in your eyes!
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As we say goodbye to the glorious summer (and our free time), one thing Gives. Us. Life. Could that be Autumn leaves? Alarm clocks at the crack of dawn? Carb-tastic cafeteria food? Ummm… noooo, it’s Back-to-School Sales, silly! And here’s a short list on where to find the best Back-to-School Shopping deals in Canada.
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Hello, long weekend! Oh, you haven’t made plans for it yet? Worry not! We have plans for you that will take up your whole weekend, and then some. Since most of us have a blissful extra day off to do as we please, let’s kick back, relax, and celebrate!
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Ah, Summertime! It brings all the photo ops. But you can’t look your best (let alone, be Instagrammable) with red, puffy eyes. Want to know how to fix that? We all do! That’s why we made this travel eye care blog. In it, you’ll find easy beauty tricks to prevent puffy, red eyes so your photos are truly Instagrammable. Especially important if you’ve got a hot trip to Vegas planned, am I right?
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A recent study captured the deterioration of eyesight in Canadian children. The results show that myopia prevalence increased from 6% at ages 6 to 8, to 29% at ages 11 to 13. This is due to children spending less time outdoors and more time behind screens.
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As technology advances, contacts are becoming more convenient and comfortable for correcting vision. But there are still some people who cannot wear them.
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The best way to stay educated and on top of your eye health is to talk to your doctor. Asking questions regarding your symptoms, exams and treatment options can give you a good picture of your eyes’ condition. You should also discuss your lifestyle and whether you can make some changes to keep your eyes healthy.
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Do you love the idea of switching from glasses to contacts, but the thought of putting a contact in your eye freaks you out? Don't worry, you’re not alone. Many people have this fear. It's important to know that you can overcome this.
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Millions of people wear contact lenses to improve their vision. Because of this, it’s boosted contact lens sales to an industry worth over $324 million. In addition to the lenses themselves, contact wearers need solution, a supply of lenses, and contact lens cases to keep those tiny medical devices safe.
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Switching to contact lenses feels like freedom. You'll feel more confident about your appearance. And unlike with glasses, you won't have to worry about contacts falling out or breaking.
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Over half of the Canadian population wears some form of corrective vision apparatus, whether it’s eyeglasses or contact lenses.
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Are you a contact wearer who suffers from seasonal or environmental allergies? If so, allergy season (or maybe every season) can be especially troublesome for you.
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You put in your new contacts and love how clearly you can see. Everything looks crisp and clean. But, after spending hours at your computer, the crisp vision is gone. Everything is a bit blurry. Not only that, but you get headaches and your eyes are irritated.
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The world of contact lenses can feel like a daunting place. There are so many options!
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Flying cars and time machines belong in the world of science fiction. Contact lenses that project information onto our field of vision might belong there too, at the moment. However, exciting developments in the field of augmented reality are happening every single day!
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Almost a third of Canadians have experienced the unpleasantness of dry eye syndrome. Dry eye can be a one-off occurrence or it can recur throughout your life. But whether it’s your first or your fiftieth time with dry eye, there are ways you can improve your symptoms. Here are six simple ways to self-treat dry eyes without needing to visit an eye doctor!
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Coloured contact lenses are a fun and easy way to transform your appearance. Whether you want a subtle makeover or a radical change, the perfect pair of coloured contacts is easily available.
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Technology’s made leaps and bounds recently, which has shifted reading on paper to digital mediums. This shift in reading has both its positives and negatives. Paper is easier on the eyes and encourages better comprehension. However, digital devices allow you to read in low light situations. Also, you can find new things to read instantly and help the environment by saving paper!
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How everyone discovers their vision problems tends to be similar. As children, we may have noticed that we couldn’t read the whiteboard anymore. Or maybe we could no longer see the college professor’s notes on the screen. Or maybe we experienced headaches after reading. Or maybe we could no longer make out the words on the menu in a dimly lit restaurant. We then had to go to the optometrist for an eye exam. What followed was our very first pair of glasses.
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