Daily Disposables and 5 Other Hacks to Streamline Your Morning
Do you feel rushed every morning? Is getting to work on time a real hassle? The problem could be your morning routine. Wearing daily disposables could potentially cut some time down in your mornings and save you precious minutes. Here are some ways to streamline your morning routine.
Switch to Daily Contact Lenses

As you probably know, contacts come in a variety of styles. Each type has a different replacement schedule. You put daily disposables in your eyes first thing in the morning and wear them the whole day. At the end of the day, you throw them away. The next morning, you simply put in a new pair.
Daily disposables are great for many reasons:
- You don’t need to remember a replacement schedule. Instead, you put in a fresh pair every morning.
- You do not need to worry about cleaning and disinfecting your contacts. This eliminates several steps in your nightly routine. If you wear contacts, you know how difficult it can be to deal with your contacts if you’re really sleepy.
- Traveling is easier because you just need to bring your daily disposables without all your solutions and storage case.
- Eye allergies are lessened because there is no build-up on the lens surface.
- Eye infections are reduced because your contact lenses are always clean.
- Irritations of the eye are also reduced because of the lack of build-up.
- Eye doctors feel that daily disposables are very healthy for the eyes.
To make your morning routine faster, put your new contact lenses out the night before. That way, when you are ready to put in your contacts, they’re already sitting on the bathroom counter waiting for you. Doing this will reduce the time it takes to hunt them down. Plus, you won’t need to add solution or rinse your contacts, so that’ll save you time, too.
Get Enough Sleep
The most effective morning routines actually begin the night before. By making sure you get enough sleep during the night you will invigorate your mind and body. This will allow you to function better while going through your morning routine. According to the National Sleep Foundation, adults need seven to nine hours of sleep each night. By allowing distractions like television or texting to eat away at those hours, you could be slowing yourself down by the time you wake up.
Do Things the Night Before

In addition to getting out your daily disposables the night before, there are many other things you can prepare for that will save time. Make sure that all the things you need in the morning are readily available. This can significantly cut time down on your morning routine.
You can also do some of your morning routine items at night. Of course, you can’t do everything before bed, but there are many things you can do. Here are two that take up a lot of morning time.
One thing you could do at night instead of in the morning is shave. Shaving takes a lot of time. If you’re a woman, no one will notice overnight growth. For men, shaving at night may not be possible if you have stubble by morning. However, those with light hair growth may be able to get away with it.
You should also consider showering at night. There are benefits to doing so. Here are just a few:
- The shower can be leisurely
- You won’t have to share the hot water
- Warm showers help you fall asleep faster
- Most importantly, you cut out a lot of morning routine time
Unless you sweat heavily while you sleep, you can shower at night without having body odor in the morning. Most people shower just once a day. Switching the time may not change how clean your body is to start the day.
Now, for the morning routine, just add some deodorant. This takes far less time than taking a shower!
Set Your Morning Routine to Music

The right music can help you stay on time! Not only does it energize you, but you can determine your timeliness by what is playing. Here are a few examples:
- You time your shower by a chosen song or two. This lets you know when you need to dry off.
- Some people have a wake-up song. When the song is over, they must get out of bed. This allows them time to stretch, rub their eyes, and clear their minds of cobwebs.
- You can also time other pieces of your routine by songs so that you know when to start your hair, makeup, or breakfast.
When picking songs, find those that make you energized. Your heart should be pumping. You should feel excited to get the day started. Here are some pointers for creating a playlist:
- Know how much time you need for each part of your routine and find songs that fit those time requirements.
- Have a couple of different playlists so that you don’t get bored in the morning. Just be sure that the timing is similar.
- Make sure the music is loud enough that you hear it while in the shower. There are some great waterproof wifi speakers perfect for this situation.
Think About Your Hairstyle

Doing your hair can eat up time. Having a simple hairstyle provides more time each morning. For many people, this is a short haircut. Talk to your hair stylist to determine an easy-to-manage style that would look good on you.
Then, every morning, do your hair up simply. Going to work is not the same as going out on the town. For work, something simple like a bun or ponytail is perfect. By doing this, you can look professional without spending a ton of time in front of the mirror.
For those with long hair, do as much as possible the night before. This includes showering and blow drying your hair. One suggestion is to twist your clean hair into a loose top knot. This will give your hair volume. It will also make your hair easier to manage in the morning.
Above all, be sure that your hairstyle is fast and simple. It should also be easily repeatable from day to day.
Add Some Organization

The most efficient people are organized. To be the most efficient in the morning, having an organized bathroom is key. Do you know what the biggest time-waster is in the morning? Looking for the items you need to complete your routine.
Here are some tips for organizing your bathroom:
- Keep things you use every day in areas that are easy to reach
- Group together similar items
- Put things away that you don’t use regularly
- If you are likely to forget something, make it visible
You can also consider using products for bathroom organization. This includes such things as:
- Containers with labels
- Dispensers for liquid products
- Hairstyling stations
Remember, you’ll have more time each morning if you don’t waste it looking for the things you need.
Stop feeling rushed each morning. Get to work on time without a hassle. Add a few simple daily hacks, like switching your contact lenses to daily disposables and other things on this list. Doing so will make your morning go much smoother!