How to Get Contacts That Complement Your Natural Looks Perfectly

In 2018, the revenue from contact lens sales in Canada will be more than $373 million USD. Needless to say, the public trusts contacts for their vision correction needs!
Contact lenses are a great option if you have vision problems and don't want the hassle of glasses. But they don't have to be purely practical. Coloured contacts are a great way to correct your vision while also allowing you to have the stunning eyes you've always wanted.
But not all colours suit every person. Read on as we discuss how to get contacts that match your natural looks.
Light Eyes
Light eyes are perfect for coloured contacts. The shade of your own eyes won't have a huge impact on the overall look.
Products such as FreshLook ColorBlends allow you to completely change your eye colour for a stunning new look. Striking options such as brilliant blue can really make your eyes pop. Or you could go for a more subtle sapphire or grey.
If you’re looking for a milder boost to your natural eye colour, then enhancement contact lenses could be the right option. These accentuate the qualities of your eyes. The natural patterns of your iris are highlighted without changing the colour.
We always recommend trying out coloured contacts before you make a big bulk order. The results will differ from person to person and may not look exactly like they do in promotional images.
Also, make sure you match your choice to your hair and skin tone. We'll take a closer look at this later.
Dark Eyes

If you have dark eyes, finding the right coloured contact lenses is more of a challenge. The darkness of your eyes means that the effective range of colours is more limited.
You can still opt for a blue contact lens if that’s what you've always dreamed of having, but the change won't be as dramatic as for those with light eyes. Colours that work really well with darker eyes include shades of green, violet and hazel, as well as the more subtle grey colours.
Enhancement lenses are also less effective for people with dark eyes. The impact of the translucent tint is not as strong when matched with a darker eye colour beneath. But they can still offer some subtle sparkle to your eyes.
Once again, it's important that you choose a colour that matches your skin tone and hair colour.
Skin Tone

Your skin tone can also help you determine what colour contact lenses to choose.
No contact lens is going to look totally ridiculous with a certain skin type. But there are some colours that work much better together. A good rule of thumb is to look for colours that you already know work well with your skin tone. The simplest way to do that is to see what colours dominate your wardrobe.
Fair Skin
Fair skin and light eyes make the perfect combination if you want the widest amount of choices. It’ll work really well with pretty much any contact lens colour.
Bright blue lenses work perfectly with this combination as they really pop against pale skin. Grey lenses are also particularly striking for people with fair skin.
And if you want to really stand out, an eye-catching colour such as turquoise or purple will really make your eyes sparkle.
Medium Skin
If your skin is more tanned, bright blue eyes are an option that won't work as well.
Going with warmer colours such as hazel or green is a better combination. These colours will complement your skin colour but still make your eyes stand out. If you want to go for a more striking look, then choose either violet or grey. These shades work well for people with medium skin.
Dark Skin
Warm colours are also the best option if you have dark skin. Browns and hazels are always going to match with your skin. You might like to try grey or honey too for a slightly more smoky look.
With dark skin, it isn't recommended to go for bright colours such as blue and green. They can look quite artificial and draw attention to the fact that you're wearing coloured contacts. Unless you want that, of course.
Hair Colour

Matching your eye colour to your hair colour is always a good idea.
Remember though: you can always do it the other way around if there is a particular shade of lens that you really want to try. Why not dye your hair to suit your favourite eye colour?
Blonde Hair
Blonde hair can work surprisingly well with darker coloured lenses. Dark browns and blacks can really stand out against light hair. Medium colours such as grey also complement blonde hair.
And if you really want your eyes to pop, bright blue and green lenses combined with your blonde hair will really stand out.
Brown Hair
Black, brown and hazel contacts are the most obvious choices for brown hair. These colours blend in with your hair colour for a cohesive look.
But if you want something a little different, then hazel or blue contacts can look really striking against brown hair.
Black Hair
Black hair is similar to blonde hair in that almost every single colour will work with it. There are barely any shades that won’t look good on you. The world is your oyster when it comes to coloured contacts.
Where to Get Contacts

Now you know how to get contacts that’ll work perfectly with your eyes, hair and skin. All that's left is finding where to buy them from.
Reputable retailers will offer a huge range of brand name contact lenses at discounted prices. These include the biggest names in coloured contacts.
If you have any questions about lenses, feel free to get in touch with the retailer so you feel comfortable before making a purchase.