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Tips to Improve Your Eyesight and See Without Glasses

Wouldn’t it be great to see without glasses again? Some of you have probably worn glasses for many years, while others may started only recently. No matter how long you’ve been wearing glasses, you simply may not like them. That’s OK, because there are ways you can improve your vision. If your vision correction is minor, you may be able to see without glasses again. Let’s explore some options:

Eye Exercises Can Help Strengthen Your Eyes

Back in the 1890’s, Dr. William H. Bates, a New York doctor, promoted the idea of using eye exercises to see without glasses. In the 1920s he even published a monthly magazine called Better Eyesight to share his ideas. Today, there are people who still swear by Dr. Bates’ techniques to improve vision and see better without glasses.

Supplements for Stronger Eyes

There are many supplements to help keep your eyes healthy.

Vitamin A provides moisture to your eyes and helps your retinas develop superior night vision. The strongest concentrations of vitamin A are in fish oils that you can take in capsule form. You can also get many essential vitamins by eating eggs, dairy products, and leafy greens such as kale. Your mother probably told you carrots would help you see at night, and she wasn’t wrong! All orange and yellow vegetables are a good source of vitamin A. The best of all is the sweet potato, which delivers a whopping 28,058 IU per serving of one potato!

You no doubt know that Vitamin C is the best supplement to protect against colds. However, it can also help to slow down cataracts and age-related macular degeneration (AMD). Many of us already take vitamin C supplements, but you can also get your daily dose from citrus fruits. Leafy greens are great too and broccoli has more vitamin C than an orange!

Woman holding lemon slices up to her eyes

Vitamin E has an important role to play in eye health. Although it won’t help you ditch the glasses, there appears to be some evidence that it will help to slow down the progress of AMD. It’s a good idea to include vitamin E-rich foods such as sunflower seeds, almonds, and spinach in your diet. If you’re not eating enough of these foods, supplements can bring your intake up to the suggested level of 400 IU of vitamin E a day.

Omega 3 fatty acids are very important to your eye health. These acids are concentrated in the retina, and help avoid dry eye. Taking a good fish oil supplement will keep you topped up. They will also include vitamin D, which will ease dry eye symptoms, too.

Lasik Eye Surgery May Be an Option

Diagram showing lasik eye surgery steps

Laser surgery has continued to grow in popularity over the past twenty years. If you’re young and near-sighted, it may be the solution for you. However, it’s not for everyone. Near-sighted patients benefit from laser eye surgery more than those who are far-sighted. Patients over 40 are less likely to be eligible for this surgery. It’s also possible that a patient may need a second corrective surgery after a number of years - and there are increased risks with that additional procedure.

Contact Lenses

Today's contact lenses are extremely comfortable and convenient, making them the ideal choice for people tired of wearing glasses.

Woman inserting contact lens to see without glasses

You can choose the ultimate convenience of ultra-thin daily lenses. They never need cleaning or storage. You simply discard each pair after a single use. There are also weekly or monthly lenses available. They require a little more daily maintenance, but are still a great alternative to wearing glasses. You’ll find that today's contact lenses are comfortable and easy to use. Plus, shopping online delivers low prices and more convenience. You’re no longer dependent on your ophthalmologist to supply your contact lenses!

The ability to see without glasses is a great thing. Even with poor vision, you can achieve that goal with contact lenses.

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